About us
I started building this site on my own. I am an independent company, where I try to only find the best of the best. I thought that too much junk was being sold, which sometimes breaks down within a week or even within a day. I found out that there are a lot of lifetime warranty products on the market. But too few people had heard of it. So I decided to build a website.
My Goal
I want to have at least 200 (in 2025) products on the website within 2 years.
Our Mission
I think it goes without saying that you sell transparent and honest products. It is therefore important to me that the consumer is the one who benefits. These lifetime warranty products are generally a bit more expensive. This is because a lot of research has been done into the product and specialists have therefore been hired.
It is often cheaper in the long run. Because cheap is expensive. If a product is made of poorer material, contains toxins, and is not well developed then it will be more expensive in the end. You also have the health and sustainability related to a product. If there are too many substances in the product that you do not want, then it can have serious consequences in the long run. And if it is not sustainable, it is not good for our future either. It is for us children, family and friends that we want to create a better future.
I’m working on an encyclopedia of only the best products. Which people have researched for years before it is put on the market. I also think about the future of children and the earth, with less being thrown away. Because the product is so well thought out and made. That all criteria must comply with the relevant product. Companies that do not take any middle ground to save costs.
Quality number 1! We must fight together to take care of the world. If everyone just buys cheap stuff, which breaks after a day, it will not only be detrimental to your wallet but also to our planet and the future of our children. Fight together against companies that sell poor quality products, use harmful substances, pay unfair wages, or even sometimes use child labor. By making a conscious choice yourself.
It al starts with a choice. The choice to make a difference. The choice to care. The choice to unite.
Join the rebellion against poor choices!